It is costing you too much accounts payable time answering phone calls from suppliers and sister plants asking about payment status.
It is costing you too much accounts payable time to answer telephone calls from your suppliers. Your accounts payable people are fielding calls from suppliers asking for confirmation that you received shipment and the status of their payment. Sister plants in your organization go through the same process because they don’t have access to your ERP system. The time adds up, the cost is real, but not tracked — so the process goes on without improvement.
If you turn your Kanban orders into purchase orders, then your buyers are involved in the day-to-day challenges of sending out and confirming purchase orders except Kanban orders are even more critical.
B2B Connex Solution:
Shipment and payment status information available electronically.
B2B Connex provides email and web page updates, so that suppliers and sister plants can view received goods status and payment status, without having to call your accounts payable department. Similarly, order acknowledgement, order status and inventory status can be provided to distributors and sister plants. Inbound telephone calls from suppliers to your accounts payable and order entry departments are reduced.