Featured Products
B2B Vendor Portal
An easy to implement MRO Purchasing Portal solution that allows suppliers and buyers to communicate and collaborate effectively online.
SRM functions
Improve on-time delivery
B2B Customer Portal
Provides your customers with an easy to use storefront to place orders without the need for contacting a sales representative.
Customer specific catalogs and pricing
Multiple contacts for one company
Simple billing and receiving
B2B Direct
A sourcing automation solution that helps manufacturers transfer electronic information from their ERP system to their suppliers’ and distributors’ ERP systems.
SFTP Electronic File Transfers
Outbound EDI XML or X12
Inbound EDI XML or X12
Need B2B Support?
B2B Connex offers a full range of consulting, planning, implementation and support services. We work with you to determine the best strategy for your organization to improve its supply chain collaboration.